Primitive Future Architool

25th-26th June 2014, Villa Vertua, Nova Milanese, Italy.

3D Printed element for a DIY architecture. From the primitive shelter towards a free constructive system
The Primitive Future Architool continues the research started in 2010, seeking new modalities for an emancipated relationship between the man and his habitat. This concept has already been concretized by the elaboration of the comic/manifesto “Tales from the Primitive Future”. In which way can architecture be transformed into an easy and basic tool, boiling down to its essence, in order to allow a huge interaction level of the user in its effective definition? The Maison Domino represents one of the first “basic-architecture” examples, a kind of hardware, ready to host different software. Today in the favelas of all over the world, or in the illegal development of the south of Italy, we can see how much prevails this model of spontaneous architecture and has become a real rip-off tool for its proliferation. A new interpretation for the concept of existenz minimum. We can consider the elaboration of the Maison Domino as an act of liberation and opening towards and anarchical architecture. Similar to the first act of the man when he discovered how to tie three wood sticks with a rope creating his first primitive shelter, getting off the anthropization of the Earth. Primitive Future Architool had been elaborated and then tested during “Fuck off! We don’t need no architect!”, free architectural workshop for non-architects about the creation of some DIY spatial alterations using the 3D print technology. In collaboration with Alessandro Benetti, Tamar Shafrir, and Yatta Makerspace the participants were guided through these themes in order to realize three different structures.


The project was part of the “Premio Internazionale Bice Bugatti-Giovanni Segantini” by Bice Bugatti Club.
Ph. Stefano Colombo